“California, here I come…”

“, right back where I started from.”

I love when I remember a song from way back. No, I’m not really leaving, but a vacation would be nice. 🙂

“Leavin’ on a jet plane. Don’t know when I’ll be back again. Obabe, I hate to go…” RIP Mary Travers, Peter and Paul will surely miss you most.

I went to Sharon’s  Surprise Birthday Party Saturday, it was great! Her daughter Heather put on such a spread, and I begged for the recipes, and noticed some in my Inbox this morning-will share in another post~

Sharon LOVED her two doilies, The Sheery Witchery Glass Doily and the Spiderweb Doily:

Sheer Witchery Duo
Sheer Witchery Duo

I keep up with Linda Godfrey’s blogs, and her latest entry was very interesting! I was never a Google fan, but I added her RSS to my IGoogle, and actually like the look of the homepage~worth checking out.

I reworked my KnitPicks LumberJill Socks- the Hourglass stitch got the best of me on my worst day, and not feeling good to begin with, my patience came unraveled by the 3rd round of said 4-row pattern. So I ripped it back to the beginning of my original 2×2 rib pattern and resumed the foot. I’m about halfway up the foot now, and thinking that when I’m feeling better, say, on my next sock, I might just attempt the Hourglass stitch again. It’s not that it’s difficult or anything, just tedious with sock yarn and #2 dpns. Lessons learned.

LumberJill-teh toe

LumberJill sock -teh toe

Work to do, I’ll be back later~

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. lindagodfrey
    Sep 21, 2009 @ 22:10:26

    You are a sweetheart, SS! And a knitter! I’m totally yarn-challenged and admire anyone who can make lovely garments that way.


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