Purple Coneflower Doily and more moments in crochet history…

I finished another doily a few days ago; I have been busy with other things and just now getting caught up on posting.

I’m enjoying all the different variations I’m imagining with each one,  and letting my gardening creativity unleashed! (Do you see new possibilities in this latest picture?) Oyes, the rose color is on my list now 😉

Pattern from: South Maid Special Doilies for Special Times Book 364 Page 13

Purple Coneflower Doily

Purple Coneflower Doily

An old tablecloth can be very inspiring in the most unexpected way!

This is the same pattern I used to make the Black-eyed Susan Doily.

Black-eyed Susan Doily, Coaster set Floral Medley

I also received a copy of the Table Topics Book No. 123, the Spool Cotton Company 1938, for my Star Wheel Tablecloth, (page 14) and can work on this ongoing project at my leisure, until I get it to the size I want.


OHey! I got my new set of 3 cable needles today too! I am going to start practicing on the cable stitch and then work up a pair of socks when I get going.

Happy Hooking!


Star Wheel Tablecloth #744- Oh, the HORROR!

June 2, 2009
Editor’s Note: I’ve found the pattern I wrote out, and the motif has been identified correctly now. Not the Pinwheel , as previously posted.

Oh, the HORROR!
I made this tablecloth back in the early 80’s during a time when I was enjoying a bit of down-time, between babies.

Pinwheel Tablecloth

Star Wheel Tablecloth

The Pattern is from New Ideas In Crochet Table Topics – The Spool Cotton Book No. 123 .
1938. I don’t have a copy (yet) but have a link to the pdf. file at Celts Vintage Crochet Yahoo Groups here: StarWheelMotifTC.pdf

New Ideas in Crochet | Table Topics Book No. 123 1938

New Ideas in Crochet Table Topics Book No. 123 The Spool Cotton Company 1938

Pinwheel motif detail

Spinning Wheel motif detail

It had what appeared to be a  nasty coffee-and-cream stain on one edge motif, and a few drops on a couple others in the immediate area. It was stiff and very dark, UGH!

The Stain

The Stain

I posted these pictures and my dilema in my Ravelry Forum, in hopes someone could suggest a possible solution that would rid the stain without my having to remove the spoiled motifs.

A couple suggested I use Oxy-Clean and soak it. So when I went to pick up DD18 from work last night, I grabbed a small bottle of Oxy-clean and promptly made a bucket of  water for a soaker. The bottle said to leave in up to 6 hours, but after 3 hours, I could see it needed to stay in longer, so I left it in the bucket in the tub, overnight.

This morning, I was pleased to find The Stain was reduced to a shadow of it’s former self, and now appeared as a faded tea stain.

The Stain, after Oxy-Clean treatment

The Stain, after Oxy-Clean treatment

Another Ravelor suggested I stain the entire tablecloth with coffee (AHA! what a novel idea!) or tea, to bring the newly vivid color down to match The Stain. Oooooo I like that idea! 😀

So, I have it outside drying for now and will come back with my decision shortly-the Jury is still out…

Pinwheel Tablecloth side view

Star Wheel Tablecloth side view

Note: Perhaps I’ll re-stain the entire tablecloth next, rather than redo the 2 motifs involved, rather than try to match the 10 yr old thread…

WAIT: another Ravelor suggested as she cannot see the stain as being that bad at all, why not leave it as is, like part of the cloth’s history to the story. Gives it “Patina, as it were”.

I like that;  Patina, it is! 😀